Our impact

Understanding the unique needs of our
customers and creating solutions that evolve
with their demands, allows us to create
lasting partnerships
Understanding the unique needs of our
customers and creating solutions that evolve
with their demands, allows us to create
lasting partnerships

Bridging the gaps in
infra-structure funding

We know that the funding gap in Sub-Saharan Africa is 130 to 170 billion dollars annually. This lack of funding prevents the public sector from effectively supporting its populations, undermining job creation, business productivity, food security and economic growth. By supporting the Public Sector, Mayombe Finance seeks the approach with the greatest impact on people's lives.

Supporting the private sector
in Africa

Sustainable development in Africa requires sustainable private sector financing. By financing the Private sector in Africa, Mayombe Finance believes it can have a positive impact on the socio-economic challenges faced by the populations, while achieving the best return for investors. Inadequate funding hampers private sector development in Africa and the recent COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has created additional stress for business development on the continent.

Unlocking the potential of
the Angolan market

Angola is home to 33 million people. Located on the West Coast of the continent, it has rich reserves of raw materials such as oil, iron, diamonds and gold. Angola is the 16th largest producer of crude oil in the world and a member of OPEC. It is currently heavily dependent on crude oil exports, which account for 95% of national exports and a third of GDP. In the past Angola was self-sufficient in all major agricultural productions, with the exception of wheat. The civil war, with the decline of the economy and abandonment of the agricultural sector, decimated its production. International Banks view Africa as a highrisk market in terms of government instability, debt and other force majeure events. This has led many of the top tier banks to scale back their operations on the continent, to reduce risk and balance their portfolios. The result is a widening financing gap in both the public and private sectors, which slows down economic growth and value creation.

We hope to open new horizons in Angola. We believe that through lasting partnerships with the Public and Private sectors we will be able to help the population overcome the multiple challenges they face every day.


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